Whenever you find out a person's ethnic to be Chinese, the instant question that arises is "Mandarin or Cantonese?" "Neither, I'm Fujianese." There are so many different languages in China that it can actually sum up to hundreds. Having different languages also means having different family cultures.
大家好!(I feel great to be here again!) This is the second article on the Chinese New Year series. In the last article, we learned how to greet Chinese during the New Year and how to appreciate the Spring Couplets. Today we will look at the Chinese calendar, which is more in tune with the natural rhythm of the universe.
Hello everyone! Welcome back to our series on the Chinese New Year Festival. Last time, we looked at the Chinese lunar calendar and how the solar terms play a significant role in the lives of Chinese people. This time we continue our journey about the longest holiday in China. We will dive into the plenty of interesting food and all sorts of celebrations and ceremonies for this holiday season.
Hello, everyone! Welcome back from a wonderful Christmas and New Year holiday. In America and many other countries, the most important holiday season once a year has come to an end and it is time to work to make 2015's resolutions come true. But across the Pacific Ocean, people in China haven’t officially crossed over into the new year.
Merry Christmas everybody! 圣诞快乐/shèng dàn kuài lè/! Thank you for your interest in learning Chinese and your support in 2014. I will do my very best to introduce you to more interesting things about China and more useful Chinese learning techniques in the coming year. The US now is filled with a festive atmosphere.
Top 5 Chinese Horror Movies With Halloween fast approaching, we thought we'd take a shot at naming the top 5 scariest Chinese movies of all time. After discussing with both our teachers and students, here's a general list that we came up with for you to watch this coming Halloween. Just in case your favorite isn't here, please either post a comment on this article.
This article series is from a Hills Learning student, Loraine, who took our intensive course over the summer of 2012. She writes about living in China and her experiences learning about the Chinese language and culture. Dear Friends, After spending the summer in the U.S. visiting family and friends, I’ve returned to China to work for a second year at Nanyang Normal University.
This article series is from a Hills Learning student, Loraine, who took our intensive course over the summer of 2012. She writes about living in China and her experiences learning about the Chinese language and culture. Dear Friends, So much has happened since my last update, both for me personally and in the world.
This article series is from a Hills Learning student, Loraine, who took our intensive course over the summer of 2012. She writes about living in China and her experiences learning about the Chinese language and culture. Dear Friends, Ni hao from Nanyang. Spring has been slow in coming to China, here one day and gone the next.
This article series is from a Hills Learning student, Loraine, who took our intensive course over the summer of 2012. She writes about living in China and her experiences learning about the Chinese language and culture. Dear Friends, I hope the year 2013 is off to a great start. Here in China, we’re getting ready for yet another new year, this one according to the lunar calendar.
Would you like to enjoy a New Year celebration that is fifteen-day-long and with different celebrations on each day? Chinese Spring Festival is the answer. Lunar calendar Unlike most of the western countries, Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) is not on January 1st . Since Chinese people use the lunar calendar in addition to western Gregorian calendar.
With Mandarin being such a popular language these days throughout New York City and increasing throughout America and globally, the question is for parents is not if their kids should be learning Mandarin but when. Just in case you feel you're in the former, keep in mind that foreign language is an important pursuit of all children in their studies.
CHINESE DIALECTS 方言 Every person who decides to learn the Chinese language should be aware of the fact that there are many Chinese dialects in China. Since it was first spoken in 1122 BCE, Chinese has dramatically evolved from its primitive roots to a very complex language system that includes different intricacies and varieties.
The three most important holidays in the Chinese calendar are the Lunar New Year, the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Moon (Mid-Autumn) Festival. The Lantern Festival is the last day of the Lunar New Year holiday, which falls on the 15th day of the Chinese Lunar New Year. The main theme of the holidays is for people to get together with family.
The buzz language in New York City these days is Chinese. Whenever you speak with someone about new business opportunities China will usually enter into the conversation. But is Learning Chinese really worth it? In a bilingual world where Chinese people are moving to New York City, you would think just a trusted in house translator would suffice for companies doing business in China.